Sunday, November 16, 2008

3 Variations on Traditional Flarf Poems

T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."

Graham Foust, "Chat Room."

John Ashbery, "The Songs We Know Best."

3 Examples of Strict/Traditional Flarf Poems

Katie Degentesh, "I Sometimes Tease Animals."

Gary Sullivan, "Mm-hmmm."

Flarf Collective, "Nerf Land."

A Flarf Annotated Bibliography


"O, You Cosh-Boned Poser!" Jordan Davis. Village Voice article explaining flarf and its followers' philosophy; discusses spam e-mail and flarf's origins (author is one of the earliest members of the Flarf collective, tho he doesn't say that in the article).

"The New Pandemonium: A Brief Overview of Flarf,"
Rick Synder. Jacket 31, Oct 2006.

"Blowing Up Is Just Something to Say to Us: K. Silem Mohammad and the Sub-Poetics of Flarf," Tony Tost. Fascicle 1. A review praising Mohammad's "Dear Head Nation" and the relevance of its method (creating poems based on Google searches that end in the term "dear head") to post 9/11-America.

"The Virtual Dependency of the Post-Avant and the Problematics of Flarf: What Happens when Poets Spend Too Much Time Fucking Around on the Internet," Dan Hoy. Jacket 29, Apr 2006. A philosophical argument against that posits that Flarf actually reinforces the "mainstream" that its practitioners mock, because Flarfists have not considered the mainstream that Google itself represents and perpetuates. Set off a firestorm on both sides of the argument, much of which was played out on Silliman's blog.

"The Flarf Files." The closest thing available to a Flarf manifesto ("a cache of origin myths and working definitions" -- Joyelle McSweeney). Includes statements by K. Silem Mohammed, Gary Sullivan, and Michael Magee.

"Interview with K. Silem Mohammed." Tom Becket Interviews Mohammed about his Flarf book Dear Head Nation, the Flarfist collective, the role of Google in his poetry, poetic process, and issues of form, content, audience, and poetry blogs.

Flarf feature in Jacket 30, July 2006. Contains brief introduction by Gary Sullivan and poems by Flarfists, including Katie Degentesh, Anne Boyer, Drew Gardner, K. Silem Mohammed, Rod Smith, and Sullivan.

Review of Katie Degentesh's
The Anger Scale, Stephen Burt, The Believer, Apr 2007. Includes short summary of flarf movement.

Review of Drew Gardner's
Petroleum Hat, Joyelle McSweeney, Constant Critic, Feb 2006. Discusses controversy over Hoy's article.

Flarf Blogs

Flarf Collective. Mainstream Poetry. Poetry and video of flarf readings.
K Silem Mohammed: {limetree}. Commentary; the cite of much flarf-related discussion and argument.
Gary Sullivan: E l s e w h e r e. Poetry and commentary.
Nada Gordon: ~~ululations~~. Poetry and personal.

Poetry Blogs that Discuss Flarf

Ron Silliman: Silliman's blog. Discussion and arguments about Flarf have taken place in comments section; this post concerns Michael Magee's "My Angie Dickinson."
Joshua Corey: Cahiers de Corey. Many posts include discussions of Flarf and ideas sympathetic to Flarf philosophy.


Google Poems Anthology, ed. Leevi Lehto, a Finnish poet, translator, and programmer.
